Blog 7

I recently read that the FBI broke into safe deposit boxes in Beverly Hills, California, and allegedly seized about $100 million. Some ...

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Blog 6

My own thoughts. If religion is the opiate of theasses,thean the huge sarcastically hyped up phoney contemporary organized religion and...

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Blog 5

Words are like spells the media can influence you through them just as the sociopaths and narcissists fool their victims. An s looks so...

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Blog 4

Jamie diamond is the head CEO of Chase Manhattan bank he has a fantastic art collection allegedly worth 900 million dollars. Chase Bank...

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Name For Restriction

The Internet is full of crooks, criminals, liars, including many Christian and other comment.  There is a phoney Christian cult ministe...

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Blog 3

Much of the food in the united states' is genetically engineered. Alot of the western media like Facebook is subliminal and gives you d...

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