
Blog 12

The Nile is a river that brings life and trade to Egypt whereas de-Nile or de-Nile is a way of suppressing and not knowing or admitting the truth. Let’s face it The or Dah Emperor has no clothes and manipulators narcissists , sociopaths and psychopaths are running the show and if not for Gods angels I think humanities enemies would be in deep trouble. Money today buys drugs public relations false deceptive media advertisements and many inhibiting laws and distractions or escapes like drugs movies food and whatnot. Any people want to be millionaires and billionaires but if most people knew how they get their money they would know most get their ill-gotten gains through grift lies, propaganda, disinformation misinformation, get rich quick schemes and people believing and having faith in things they have never seen and will never see. The truth is that the Bible has been rewritten and edited and one of the 4 original Bible writer was named Origen. Many people want to believe and this is their perception but perspective is another way of looking at reality from an objective or real and logical stance as opposed to a subjective one based on people’s opinions which many times are like here say or he said she said lies or points of viewing and opinions. As the prophet Joshua said before leaving his command post. “Chose which God you will serve, but as for me I serve The God El Shaddai and Jehovah”. Insanity is like history repeating itself not learning not making progress but like gambling and doing foolish things doing the same thing over and over again like history repeating itself in a loop and expecting different results. Just remember you will know people by their fruits or actions and remember to test the spirits as in testing the waters before diving or going in so that you are safe and sound. Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream. In other words use your brain hands and the tools that are available to you to spend your time merrily peacefully and joyfully going down the stream of life as you grow older and become stress free and lighten up as you experience your epiphany and you realize that life is but a dream.

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