
Blog 13

Mark Zuckerberg is among the richest people in the United States. Allegedly, among the many times he has appeared before Congress for violations of his customers’ privacy rights, he repeatedly says, “I am sorry,” and claims he made a mistake in violating people’s privacy.

He has also now bought WhatsApp, for which he paid the enormous amount of $19 billion. Why would he pay such a staggering amount? Perhaps for the same reason—and more—that the Central Intelligence Agency allegedly paid Jeff Bezos at least $600 million or more to obtain information and enable location tracking on his Amazon website. Allegedly, the CIA also assisted Mark Zuckerberg with at least $15 million or more to help him get his company started and off the ground.

As a result of acquiring WhatsApp, Zuckerberg could, without his customers’ knowledge, sell their data to data brokers. “WhatsApp” sounds like “what’s up,” and with that, he will have access to all the information of those using his app, allowing him to mine data, barter, and trade his customers’ database—allegedly.

I have also heard that Google owns 23andMe, a company that provides DNA analysis. Allegedly, it is unfortunate that much of its customers’ data is being swapped and sold on the dark web. The military-industrial complex reportedly uses Google to target its enemies, as in the case of Google Nimbus.

Once, while walking down First Avenue on 21st or 22nd Street, I happened to look behind me and was surprised to see one of those Google vans. When the Google driver saw me, he seemed embarrassed and decided to leave.

Recently, Google allegedly fired at least 41 of its employees for voicing concerns over Google Nimbus and its potentially deadly applications.

I read an article about an FBI agent who got excited while watching a female truck driver and started making catcalls, which she did not appreciate. She reported the incident to a police officer, who documented the complaint and forwarded it to the FBI.

The FBI is now reportedly going to libraries and monitoring what books people read. Allegedly, in the early 2000s (2000, 2001, or 2002), an FBI agent prevented a library from showing a certain film. The librarian took the matter to court, and the court ruled that it was within her rights to show the film.

Before 9/11, the FBI issued around 11,000 National Security Letters in one year. Allegedly, with the Patriot Act, that number has increased to hundreds of thousands of letters—some for legitimate reasons, but many not so legitimate. Section 702, from what I have read, allows any agent to investigate an individual’s affairs based on mere suspicion.

Jeff Bezos reportedly bought Whole Foods in cash. What I find neither understandable nor virtuous is that all the leftovers from Whole Foods’ salad bars are thrown away at the end of the day. Realistically, he could consider using the leftovers to feed people in need.

Allegedly, the spyware Pegasus was purchased by Saudi Arabia for $55 million. Pegasus, also known as “zero-click,” is often used to target activists and journalists. I read that many nations buy it for millions. An Israeli spokesperson claimed it is used to target terrorists, but it seems to be used for much more—such as monitoring innocent protesters and journalists who do not conform to the status quo.

Most of the mainstream media and organized religion comply with the status quo, as do many “yes-men” talking heads. When I watch TV, I notice recurring patterns: 80–90% of the time, food products advertised in commercials are unhealthy. Case in point: Coca-Cola, diet soda, and other drinks containing aspartame, as well as Mountain Dew, Papa John’s, Domino’s, etc. White sugar is allegedly linked to diabetes.

Most artificial flavors in food products are manufactured in New Jersey. I read that someone who visited one of these flavor factories took a sniff and said it smelled just like a McDonald’s burger—allegedly.

Religions are constantly being reinvented with a lot of hearsay and nonsense. In this new age, many preach about prosperity, but they seem mainly concerned with their own prosperity.

Double agents and spies are everywhere. They operate in Russia, Iran, China, and beyond.

The iPhone is not as private as it is claimed to be. It is reportedly easy for professionals to hack into an iPhone. Allegedly, the device can be scanned by any of the three-letter agencies. The iPhone 16, they say, will be the best spying device yet—tracking users 24/7 as they go about their lives.

It is ironic that Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos—two of the wealthiest people serving the powers that be—are both 5 feet 7 inches tall. I also read that a 50-something-year-old, 5-foot-7-inch man infiltrated Black Lives Matter and was allegedly paid at least $20,000 by the FBI—although neither he nor the FBI would ever admit it.

The present is a gift, and we are happy because we live in the eternal now.

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