
Blog 6

My own thoughts. If religion is the opiate of theasses,thean the huge sarcastically hyped up phoney contemporary organized religion and organized commwrcializatipn of religions of our times ate most likely the basic big moneyakers who mainly are so full of lies and corruption even though they present an aura og conviction amd beliefs which are heresay as they go through their motions in their watered down belief systems. Organized religion is basically misleading,full of deceptions false hopes and prayers as many people pray to God because they eant something.To me this is like trying to bribe God.There is so much religious heresayzthe new the churchrs are reinventing themselves to like phoney conman preachet Ler Arnold is by using God as a tool to prosperity which is what alot of ministering wolves tell their nieve sheep so they can mislead them and also make money out of their sympathetic sheep by misleading and abusing them by way of greed andaking false promises which they never will deliver on.I have heard about setial killets even attending some churches. Organized religion is mostly for people who believe and want a playful God in a Box and want to believe and hear what their staged preachers who go through their motions tell them .i am colorblind i believe it does not matter what faith or religion you are from.I heard of a muslim guy in saudi arabia who prays in the dark hires imported maids from other countries then hurts maims and kills them and The Saudi law lets this dirty scumbag get away with his criminal deeds. Many good well intentioned christians are suffering and dieing,and my.personal opinion is if something does not work,get rid of it or stop doing it. Organized religion is basically the commercial packaging and commercialization of God. We are livong in a new age where anything and everything goes and money is used to limit and control people just as false misinformation and disinformation is used to brainwash and prevent people from knowing whats really going on so the puppetmasters who pay the scripted news robots to do as they are told and disinform the population at large. Whatever does not kill me makes me stronger,providing i learned from experience and i dont repeat the same mistake over again.

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