
Blog 9

Ignorance, darkness, unawareness, evilness, wickedness, greed, and arrogance—among many other ungodly qualities—are what we must destroy if we truly desire to be born again and let God into our lives. God rewards with one hand and punishes with the other. As the ultimate powerful devil lives, he seduces through the senses in this life and destroys in the next. You will not make progress or enjoy life in God’s kingdom if you have lived an ungodly life. In this life, people can and do use excuses and escapes, but in the next life, they will not be afforded that comfort if the ultimate judge and architect does not deem them worthy. You make your bed, and you sleep in it too.

We are transient, temporary beings, and just as your senses can give you life, they can just as surely deceive you and bring suffering and death. How? Well, nowadays, men are mainly tricked through their eyes, just as Samson was fooled by Delilah. Women, on the other hand, are mostly fooled through their ears, as the song goes: Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies. Your taste buds can trick you, just like monosodium glutamate and refined sugar are used to manipulate them. Many people’s thoughts and feelings deceive them, and countless times, people have been hurt and even killed by their supposed friends and loved ones.

The powers that be—who rule this world unspiritually—think that power is might, and that the ruler’s might makes him right. When people sleep with undesirables, they should remember: When you sleep with fleas, you get bit. Disease equals dis-ease, and response-able means being able to respond. Many men seek instant gratification, much more so than women.

Is this why you see a lot more men gambling their money away compared to women? Just as patience is a virtue, good things come to those who wait—in other words, those who wait for the right moment. But not for those who wait too long, missing their moment as it expires. Those that mind don’t matter, and those that matter don’t mind. This is self-explanatory.

Black is the color of absorption, while white is the color of reflection. As the prophet Isaiah once stated: Woe to those who think good is bad and who think bad and evil is good.

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