
My Spiritual belief and your journey towards wisdom

Only one is good to be a good creator is to be an artist maker and to know your way around

A life is being alive and giving it away is sacrificing and accomplishing. Being is to (Be in God) the heart wants to be happy. The heart of the matter means the central meaning of the matter. When you are balance as in the yin and the yang also known as The You which means the way you make wiser and less complicated decisions as haste makes waste and speed can be a thriller but it is very effective providing it it’s the target but speed can kill to. opposites attract as when in harmony they are 2 sides of the same coin. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop and nature abhor a vacuum

Thefirst2 letters of our ruler in heaven is Go and Go is not an idle mind just mindlessly off tract Go means always on the move traveling. We must be in the know and know where to Go. If you add 2 more letters to go it equals (Good)

only one is God and only one is good. The principle is one as in 8 times 8 equals 64 And just as the Lord is one so are his mathematical facts and laws one.  Just remember

This is what the sage believes: “The priests are the greatest con men in the world, they have sold things which nobody has seen, and which nobody is ever going to see.

“Primordial chaos; the powers of chaos; the source of existential dualism; the fontal state of the world. Darkness is not essentially evil since it is the ground of the light which emerges from it, and in this sense, it is un-manifested light the pre-cosmogonic, prenatal darkness precedes both birth and initiation and darkness is associated with States of transition as in death and initiation. Germination and creation take place in darkness and everything returns to darkness in death and dissolution. Darkness and light are the Dual Aspect of the Great Mother as creator and Destroyer; birth, life and love, and death and disintegration.

This is also symbolized by the black virgin, by the yin and the yang, the Shakra and shakti. The yin is the feminine passive principle. For Christians, The Devil, the prince of Darkness spiritual darkness and captivity. For Hindus, the dark aspect of Kali as time, the destroyer the malefic character of the Goddess Durga. For Iranians, the power of Angra, Mainyu or Ahriman, Lord of the flies and darkness. For Islamic, indiscretion. (J. C.  Cooper)

” The fear of hell is the basis for the Christian faith.”. By (Madalyn Murray I ‘Hair)

Hell is empty and all the devils are here. (William Shakespeare)

Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life possible as paradise. (Adolph Hitler)

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