The Internet is full of crooks, criminals, liars, including many Christian and other comment. There is a phoney Christian cult minister called Lee Arnold who falsely advertises for people to make a lot of money buying his real estate programs. This phoney Christian conman who gives sermons at his phoney church has made many millions of dollars hoodwinking and ripping off people with Lee Arnold’s phoney advertisements. Anyone who donates on my site I will assist them in investigating whether a company or store and website is real or crooked. I also will give alleged health advice to the best of my knowledge for those who donate at least 100 dollars. There are good people in our world but there are many confused delusional lazy and hypochondriac or paranoid people. It is very important to know how to deal with these animals if you have to and if you don’t have to it would be in your best interest to keep your distance and your information from them. Many people have suffered and been physically emotionally and mentally hurt by sociopaths and narcissists. You must heal yourselves get beyond the damage if you can as reparations and punishment is not always possible. The United States criminal justice system does not work many times. A guy got away with murdering his wife because he convinced a jury that he unconsciously murdered her because he was sleepwalking. I also heard of a man who murdered his wife and her cat and got away with murder because he paid at least 10 million dollars to his lawyers to assist him in persuading the jury in his favor. Just remember whatever cannot kill me makes me stronger. You can be friendly without being a friend. Remember with the majority of conmen, crooks and criminals if it looks to good to be true it probably is. Brainwashing is alive and well it is all over the Internet with here say wishful thinking false advertising. There are allegedly 42 billionaires in Israel with a total combined net worth of 420 billion allegedly. They have the best spies and hackers in the world allegedly. How can the United States be the great democracy it says to be when it’s Aipac billionaires have collectively trillions of dollars and allegedly all congressmen and senators mostly have Aipac babysitters allegedly who control most of the media and will be demonized anyone who goes against their agenda. How can the sheep know that its whole life is used just to make some chops for its master. Remember the 3 Godly Monkeys. Monkeys see monkeys do. See no evil hear no evil speak no evil. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Also remember the seven deadly sins. Many people lose lots of money gambling, giving to make money get rich quick schemes and rich conmen preaches telling people things they have never seen and will never see. Well greed envy and laziness are just 3 of the seven deadly sins. Sin is allegedly another and we become restricted when we don’t have wisdom and awareness. As the prophet Isaiah one said “woe to those who think good is bad and who think bad or evil is good”.
Name For Restriction