The Devil is an angel in light and his purpose is very very important. Allegedly his purpose is threefold. 1) using and manipulating with bogus lies and means. 2) teaching people the mistakes and errors of their ways. Both God and the Devil are teachers at opposite ends of the spectrum. 3) Refining This means realizing and learning and growing by maturing adapting and adopting through sincere prayer repentance and being born again by changing your ungodly and unspiritual habits. The Devil chastises God’s people. He did this with Abraham Jesus, Job, and many others. The Purpose of the Devil is to rule us in hell and with hell through suffering pain and shamefulness. “Hell has 3 gates: Lust, Anger, and Greed. (Bhagavad-Gita) These and many other qualities serve The Devil as he sends them to us in our lives. It is through stupidity, ignorance, media propaganda, and foolishness among other unholy qualities that make us slaves, minions, and programmed servants of The Devil and the forces of evil. The Devil’s purpose is to test people and to keep them like many of his minions already are apostates, false prophets, con-men seducers ECT. He loves sheep and how does he keep his worthless sheep through 3 main methods seeing evil, hearing evil and speaking evil. Many of the Devil’s minions would love to manipulate lie and con people. The Devil’s minions control the world’s money supply and some preachers making big money are 33-degree Masons conmen and seducing salesmen. They have spoken of things nobody has seen and nobody will ever see. Many believing brainwashed people are fanatics and it is a waste of time to argue with fanatics. As the old saying goes “He who preaches about God for money will preach with smooth talking and conviction will preach to the Devil for better wages. One preacher I in heard about cut his wife’s head off and over a year later allegedly his daughter revealed it in a freezer so the police later went to his church and arrested him. I have heard of other preachers killing their wives but please realize there really are some good preachers out there although many are of the world and being a friend of the world is being an enemy of God. As Ezekiel the prophet stated, “The preachers and the prophets speak peace and there is no peace.”
God made many free to stand and free to fall by way of freedom of choices. Amy Devils are smooth talkers and very good actors and many are jealous, angry and miserable people secretly and this is why you should not give them an inch because they will enjoy your unhappiness as the saying goes. Misery loves company.